Eyeborgs regarder en ligne regarder en ligne avec sous-titres anglais 2160p

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Видеть все! (2009 ) More at IMDbPro » Eyeborgs (original title)

The lead role of Robert J. 'Gunner' Reynolds was specifically written for Adrian Paul to play.See more »

Factual errors: At around 35:30, Jarett is walking down a road while being watched by an eyeborg. On the right side, his speed is stated with 0,7 kilometers per hour. This speed shown is obviously wrong, he is walking normally fast. The average speed of a walking human is about 3,6 kph, approximately five times higher.See more »

Barbara Hawkins :[Protesting that her cameraman has died in suspicious circumstances ] But he didn't sound drunk.See more »

Movie Connections:

21st Century (Digital Boy)See more »

User Reviews

14 out of 17 people found the following review useful.

Eyeborgs is a Sci-Fi flick that seems part Robocop part Predator. It is low-budgeted but pretty good for an Independent flick and worth at least a rental.. 29 June 2010

Eyeborgs on Blu-ray looks very good for an Independent low-budgeted film. Not surprisingly the Director was a former DP (Director Of Photography) and the visual effects won two awards. The story parallels the real-world anxiety during the Bush Administration with it's futuristic tale. The acting is a little shaky but most of it is the supporting cast with the exception of Supporting Actor extrordinaire Danny Trejo. The Eyeborgs themselves remind me a lot of the Ed-209's in Robocop (they even sound like them) at least the miniature ones do. The bigger Eyeborgs are another robot/creature entirely. The story rings true in lots of ways about losing privacy due to technology and too much power corrupts. You can read my full review here - http://www.movie-vault.com/reviews/eyeborgs-bluray/


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